Augmentation with onlay dermal allografts may enhance rotator cuff repair
Dermal allograft augmentation is commonly indicated for patients with large rotator cuff tears (3 cm to 5 cm), previous unsuccessful rotator cuff repairs or patients with chronic tears with compromised tissue quality and no advanced glenohumeral osteoarthritis (Hamada grades 1 and 2). Prior to the surgical intervention, a crucial step involves the preoperative assessment to ascertain the feasibility of repairing the tear. This assessment involves a comprehensive evaluation of the patient’s MRI scans, focusing on factors such as tear size, tissue quality and the degree of retraction exhibited by the tear.
Concurrent subacromial decompression, rotator cuff repair may reduce risk of revision
Subacromial decompression with arthroscopic rotator cuff repair yielded a 21% risk reduction for revision compared with repair alone.
Readmissions more likely for wheelchair users after shoulder replacement
Wheelchair users are nearly three times more likely to experience hospital readmission following total shoulder arthroplasty (TSA), according to UT Southwestern Medical Center researchers. The findings, published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine, highlight the importance of comprehensive preoperative counseling and risk assessment for patients who use wheelchairs.
Causes of Shoulder Pain and Treatment Options
Shoulder pain can range from mild to severe and can come on suddenly or build up over time. Possible causes of pain in the front of the shoulder, outside, top, or all over include fractures, tissue inflammation or tears, joint or ligament instability, and arthritis. Shoulder pain can also stem from conditions that don't directly involve the shoulder at all.
Total shoulder arthroplasty deemed safe, effective for patients aged 80 years and older
Patients aged 80 years and older had low rates of perioperative mortality and reoperation after anatomic and reverse total shoulder arthroplasty, according to results published in the Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery.
How to Avoid Shoulder Pain at Work
Long periods of physical work involving positioning the arms over the shoulder and excessive load on the shoulders are common direct causes of shoulder pain.
What happens with a pinched nerve in the shoulder?
When something compresses or pinches a nerve in the shoulder, a person may experience pain, numbness, or tingling. Pinched nerves typically heal without treatment.
Several factors defined as optimal outcomes after anterior shoulder instability surgery
Results showed the optimal observed outcome after anterior shoulder instability surgery included minimal postoperative pain, absence of recurrent instability and osteoarthritis, low revision rates and increased range of motion.
Physical Therapy Exercises for Recovery From a Clavicle Fracture
Every fracture is different. So it's important to work closely with your healthcare provider and physical therapist to design a clavicle fracture rehabilitation program that is specific to your injury, fitness level, and lifestyle.
Preoperative grip strength may predict shoulder strength after RSA
Published results showed preoperative grip strength positively correlated with shoulder strength and function after reverse shoulder arthroplasty and may work as a prediction tool for outcomes in these patients.