Glenohumeral osteoarthritis: causes, symptoms, and treatment
The glenohumeral joint is another name for your shoulder joint. This ball-and-socket joint is vulnerable to osteoarthritis due to its frequent use. It can become worn down with age, causing pain and mobility issues.
Atraumatic deltoid rupture with massive rotator cuff tear amenable to primary repair
Ruptures of the deltoid muscle tendon are rare injuries that are infrequently reported in the literature. Although these can occur with trauma, prior shoulder surgery or steroid injections, the most frequent presentation of deltoid muscle tendon rupture is atraumatic in nature and typically seen in patients with a history of massive rotator cuff tear (RCT).
How effective (and safe) Is shoulder surgery?
If your doctor has told you that you need shoulder surgery and you're worried about complications, a new British study indicates you can relax. Only 1.2% of more than 260,000 patients suffered from complications following arthroscopic surgery to repair shoulder injuries, the researchers reported.
Everything You Should Know About Swimmer's Shoulder
According to the Cleveland Clinic, people who frequently swim are at risk of shoulder issues from overuse. In fact, 65% of swimmers experience a shoulder injury during their lifetime, but they are not the only ones.
12 causes of shoulder pain and treatment options
Shoulder pain can range from mild to severe and can come on suddenly or build up over time. Shoulder pain causes include fractures, tissue inflammation or tears, joint or ligament instability, and arthritis.
What to know about rheumatoid arthritis in the shoulder
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease in which the body mistakenly attacks its own joints, leading to pain in the affected areas. The symptoms of RA differ from those of other types of arthritis, so there are special requirements for its diagnosis and treatment.
Arthroscopy prior to shoulder arthroplasty may increase infection risk
Patients who underwent arthroscopy prior to total shoulder arthroplasty had a greater risk of periprosthetic joint infection, according to results presented at the Arthroscopy Association of North America Annual Meeting.
A Complete Guide to Shoulder Surgery
Shoulder surgery can potentially restore pain-free range of motion and full function to a damaged shoulder joint. Surgery is a treatment for a variety of conditions in your shoulder joint. These include rotator cuff tears, shoulder dislocations, and shoulder separations.
Results of Arthroscopic Revision Rotator Cuff Repair for Failed Open or Arthroscopic Repair: A Prospective Multicenter Study on 100 Cases
To investigate results after arthroscopic revision RCR. We hypothesized that (1) arthroscopic revision RCR would lead to improved outcomes, (2) the clinical results would be dependent on tendon integrity and (3) tear pattern, tendon involvement, and repair technique would influence clinical and structural results.
How to thaw a frozen shoulder
Frozen shoulder, or adhesive capsulitis, occurs when inflammation and scar tissue invade the shoulder joint. It can start with inflammation of the joint that leads to scarring, or in some cases the scarring happens with little inflammation.